35 research outputs found

    Educational trends 2022: essence and innovation potential

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    The paper aims to analyze the educational trends of the year 2022 and determine whether they are relevant in the future, whether they are a response to the challenges of the present. Also, attention is paid to the method of SWOT-analysis, with the help of which the strengths and vulnerabilities of distance learning are identified. The results analyze the future of distance education, in particular, special attention is paid to the experience of implementing hybrid education as a likely promising direction of further learning. Another aspect is the introduction of STEM education, media education (as a counteraction to intentional propaganda), and Education for Sustainable Development as important elements of the modern learning process in the United States and European countries. In conclusion, it is concluded that these areas of educational activities will be trends in the next decade in the recurrence of the crisis. The scientific novelty of the work consists in the fact that for the first time at the synthetic level modern educational trends were studied, their prospects and risks of use were characterized. The abstract in English does not match the abstract in Spanish

    Motivational readiness of students to work at school as condition of professionalism of future teachers of physical culture

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    The review of sources convinces that the problem of studying motives and motivation in the student environment is relevant not only in Ukraine but also in other countries. The aim of the study is to experimental study the leading motives for teaching future physical education teachers in terms of building a new Ukrainian school. The basis of empirical research was Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University. The study was conducted in 2018–2022 study years. Research methods: analysis of scientific and methodical literature; pedagogical observation; pedagogical experiment; pedagogical testing; methods of mathematical statistics. The sample consisted of 225 second-year students (approximate age – 18–19 years) of the stationary form of education of the Faculty of Physical Education majoring in specialty 014.11 Secondary education (Physical culture) and specialty 017 Physical culture and sports. The conditions necessary for the formation of stable motives for educational and cognitive activities of future physical education teachers were identified (procedural and semantic, didactic and educational, psychological); the criteria of motivational readiness of future physical education teachers to work at school were determined. Prospects for further scientific research are to study the theoretical and methodological foundations of motivational readiness of teaching future physical education to work at school

    Software tools for creating electronic educational resources in the resource-based learning process

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    The article provides an in-depth analysis of one of the tools for creating EER for RBL - the Dr.Explain software application. It also discusses the capabilities of users and the most effective ways to create electronic educational resources in the Dr.Explain program. The aim of the study is to suggest and compile methodological guidelines for designing and developing electronic educational resources for resource-based learning using Dr.Explain software. Dr.Explain is a program designed to create software documentation (help files), help systems, online manuals and user manuals, technical documentation for software and technical systems. The experiment involved 523 students of 1 and 4 courses of study of the specialties 017 «Physical education and sport» and of 1 courses of study 011 «Educational and Pedagogical Sciences». Among the research methods used are: theoretical (analysis, comparison, generalization); pedagogical (pedagogical experiment, pedagogical observation); social and psychological (questioning), mathematical (mathematical calculation, ranking, regression). The research revealed that Dr.Explain is a useful tool for creating CHM help files, print-ready documents, e-books, allowing the user to compile e-learning hypertext resources in two formats (PDF and HTML). An analysis of the experience of using such an EER allows us to note that it is recommended to use electronic study guides in PDF format on tablets and smartphones, and this means what students do when downloading them from the Google platform or an official representative of the university. Web site. HTML e-manuals are easy to use by installing them on classroom desktops or students' laptops. In general, these EERs (both formats) are easy to install and view, and are independent of the operating system and software

    complexity of early diagnosis of congenital ataxia: a case report

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    Ataxia-telangiectasia (AT) is a rare form of phakomatoses with multisystem lesions that are characterized by a specific neuro-cutaneous syndrome. AT is a multisystem disease that includes progressive clinical manifestations of cerebral ataxia, oculocutaneous telangiectasia, and increased susceptibility to cancer due to ionizing radiation sensitivity. Lack of awareness of this disease by medical providers could ultimately lead to a delay in diagnosis and increase morbidity in patients. This case study presents the history of a female adolescent patient, who was eventually placed in protective custody with congenital AT. She was clinically observed for fifteen years. This paper demonstrates the complexity of early diagnosis of AT in children. The importance of a comprehensive evaluation of neural and immunological systems, timely genetic testing, and aggressive treatment of infectious diseases is paramount in the formulation of an appropriate treatment plan. Early diagnosis and management significantly improve the prognosis and quality of life for these patients

    Розробка та впровадження методики вимірювання динамічної похибки стабілізації стабілізаторів озброєння

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    This paper reports variants for checking the median error of the 2Е36 weapon stabilizer under conditions of a standard path by means of video recording with a film camera followed by film processing and performing all operations in a manual mode. A procedure of measuring the median error of the SVU-500 weapon digital stabilizer has been given. To ensure the possibility of determining the errors of stabilization in each set of stabilizers, the enterprise-manufacturer has devised and implemented for the customer's main product, without using a standard path, a new procedure for measuring a dynamic stabilization error. This work involved methods of mathematical modeling, which has made it possible to determine the point of sending a sinusoidal signal to the control circuit of the stabilizer. The experimental confirmation of the results obtained during modeling involved the test of a stabilizer kit at the technological bench and at the actual training turret, which made it possible to refine the parameters of the sinusoidal signal. To conduct such tests, special algorithmic software was developed, which was installed, in addition to the main program at the time of testing, in the stabilizer control unit. Subsequent tests confirmed correctness of results obtained during mathematical modeling, which made it possible to introduce verification of one of the main parameters of stabilization of dynamic error to the acceptance tests of each stabilizer kitВ статье приведены варианты проверки серединной погрешности стабилизации стабилизаторов вооружения 2Е36 в условиях типовой трассы методом кинофотографирования с помощью кинокамеры с последующей обработкой кинопленки и выполнения всех операций в ручном режиме. Приведена методика измерения серединной погрешности цифровых стабилизаторов вооружения СВУ-500. Для обеспечения возможности определения погрешностей стабилизации каждого из комплектов стабилизатора на предприятии-изготовителе и в условиях главного изделия заказчика, без применения типовой трассы, разработана и внедрена в производство методика измерения динамической погрешности стабилизации. Данная разработка проводилась с применением методов математического моделирования, что позволило определить точки подачи синусоидального сигнала в контур управления стабилизатора. Для экспериментального подтверждения полученных результатов моделирования были проведены испытания комплекта стабилизатора на технологическом стенде и на реальной учебной башне, что дополнительно позволило уточнить параметры синусоидального сигнала. Для проведения таких испытаний была разработана специальная программа алгоритмического обеспечения, которая была установлена в дополнение к основной программе на время проведения испытаний в блок управления стабилизатора. Испытания подтвердили правильность результатов математического моделирования, что позволило ввести проверки одного из основных параметров стабилизации динамической ошибки стабилизации в состав приемо-сдаточных испытаний каждого из комплектов стабилизатораУ статті наведено варіанти перевірки серединної похибки стабілизатора озброєння 2Е36 в умовах типової траси методом кінофотографування за допомогою кінокамери з подальшою обробкою кіноплівки і виконання всіх операцій в ручному режимі. Наведено методику вимірювання серединної похибки цифрових стабілизаторів озброєння СВУ-500. Для забезпечення можливості визначення похибок стабілізації кожного з комплектів стабілізатора на підприємстві-виробнику і в умовах головного виробу замовника, без застосування типової траси, була розроблена і впроваджена у виробництво нова методика вимірювання динамічної похибки стабілізації. Дана розробка проводилася з застосуванням методів математичного моделювання, що дозволило визначити точку подачі синусоїдального сигналу в контур управління стабілізатора. Для експериментального підтвердження отриманих результатів моделювання були проведені випробування комплекту стабілізатора на технологічному стенді і на реальній навчальній башті, що додатково дозволило уточнити параметри синусоїдального сигналу. Для проведення таких випробувань була розроблена спеціальна програма алгоритмічного забезпечення, яка була встановлена в додаток до основної програми на час проведення випробувань у блок управління стабілізатора. Проведені подальші випробування підтвердили правильність результатів математичного моделювання, що дозволило ввести перевірки одного з основних параметрів стабілізації динамічної помилки стабілізації до складу приймально-здавальних випробувань кожного з комплектів стабілізатор

    Сlinical features of chronic bronchitis and genetic risk factors for the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in adolescent smokers

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    The aim is to study the clinical features of the course of CB in adolescent smokers and to study the genetic risk factors for the development of COPD. Materials and methods: There were examined 40 adolescent smokers with CB, 30 never-smokers adolescents with CB and 37 healthy adolescents smokers (control group). The study included the collection of anamnesis, objective examination. calculation of the smoking index and the «pack/year», molecular genetic investigations. Results: It was proved that smoking leads to the development of chronic bronchitis as early as adolescence and affects its course, increasing the frequency and duration of exacerbations. We identified an association of the 2G/2G genotype of MMP1 gene with the development of chronic bronchitis in adolescent smokers. The TT genotype of CYP1A1 gene may be considered as a possible sustainability factor for the development of chronic bronchitis in adolescent smokers. Conclusions: The study of candidate genes for COPD in childhood and adolescence will facilitate the early detection of high-risk groups in the formation of this pathology, which will allow doctors to take the necessary preventive measures

    Tendencias educativas 2022: esencia y potencial de innovación

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    The paper aims to analyze the educational trends of the year 2022 and determine whether they are relevant in the future, whether they are a response to the challenges of the present. Also, attention is paid to the method of SWOT-analysis, with the help of which the strengths and vulnerabilities of distance learning are identified. The results analyze the future of distance education, in particular, special attention is paid to the experience of implementing hybrid education as a likely promising direction of further learning. Another aspect is the introduction of STEM education, media education (as a counteraction to intentional propaganda), and Education for Sustainable Development as important elements of the modern learning process in the United States and European countries. In conclusion, it is concluded that these areas of educational activities will be trends in the next decade in the recurrence of the crisis. The scientific novelty of the work consists in the fact that for the first time at the synthetic level modern educational trends were studied, their prospects and risks of use were characterized.El objetivo del artículo es analizar las tendencias educativas del año 2022 y determinar si son relevantes en el futuro, si son una respuesta a los retos del presente. También se presta atención al método de análisis DAFO, con cuya ayuda se identifican lospuntos fuertes y los puntos débiles de la enseñanza a distancia. Los resultados analizan el futuro de la educación a distancia, en particular, se presta especial atención a la experiencia de la aplicación de la educación híbrida como una dirección probablemente prometedora de la enseñanza posterior. Otro aspecto es la introducción de la educación STEM, la educación en los medios de comunicación (como contrapartida a la propaganda intencionada) y la educación para el desarrollo sostenible como elementos importantes del proceso de aprendizaje moderno en los Estados Unidos y en los países europeos. En definitiva, se concluye que estas áreas de actividades educativas serán tendencia en la próxima década en la recurrencia de la crisis. La novedad científica del trabajo consiste en que por primera vez a nivel sintético se estudiaron las tendencias educativas modernas, se caracterizaron sus perspectivas y riesgos de uso

    Specific features of the oral microbiome in young children with laryngopharyngeal reflux and its role the development of recurrent respiratory diseases

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    The aim: To examine the composition of the oral microbiome in young children with laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) and its role the development of recurrent respiratory diseases. Materials and methods: There were examined 38 children with physiological gastroesophageal reflux (GER), 18 children with LPR who had a medical history of recurrent bronchitis and 17 healthy children (control group). The study included the collection of anamnesis, objective examination. The qualitative and quantitative microbial composition of the upper respiratory tract was performed obtained by oropharyngeal deep swab. Salivary pepsin level and IL-8 were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results: This research showed significant alterations in the oral microbiome of patients with GER and LPR as compared to healthy control. We found that gram-negative microbiota such as Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris, Proteus spp. and Candida albicans were identified in children with GER and LPR compared to the healthy control. At the same time, the amount of such a representative of the normal microbiome as Streptococcus viridans in children with LPR was sharply reduced. There were established a much higher mean salivary pepsin level of the patients with LPR than in the GER and control group. We found the association between high pepsin levels, saliva IL-8 levels and frequency of respiratory pathology in children with LPR. Conclusions: Our study confirms that increased levels of pepsin in saliva are a risk factor for recurrent respiratory diseases in children with LPR

    Hranidbena i mesna svojstva mladih svinja različitog intenziteta formiranja u ranoj ontogenezi i unutarpasminske diferencijacije prema genu za melanokortin 4 (Mc4r) receptor

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    The aim of this study was to investigate young pig fattening and meat quality due to the varying formation intensities in early on- togenesis and two genotypes based on the mel- anocortin receptor 4 (Mc4r) gene. To calculate the correlations between traits and the econom- ic efficiency of using animals of experimental groups in industrial complex conditions, the assessment of animals for fattening and meat quality examined the following characteris- tics: average daily live weight gain during the control fattening period in grams; age of reaching 100 kg live weight in days, chilled car- cass length in centimetres; length of the bacon half of the cooled carcass in centimetres; lard thickness at the thoracic vertebrae T6-T7 in millimetres. Further, the biometric processing of research results and calculation of the eco- nomic efficiency was performed. Young pigs of the controlled population met the requirements of the 1st class and the elite class for fattening and meat qualities. In examining the interbreed differentiation of large white breed animals, the melanocortin 4 receptor (Mc4r) gene deter- mined that the Mc4rAG genotype outperformed the Mc4r AA genotype for average daily live weight gain, age at live weight of 100 kg, lard thickness at T6-T7, and chilled carcass length by an average of 4.50%. The difference between groups for the Tyler B\u27s index was 11.82 points, and according to the average daily increase in live weight, the disparity between young pigs of interbreed differentiation according to the formation intensity index was 4.69%, the age of reaching 100 kg live weight was 3.10%, and the chilled carcass length was 1.23%. The num- ber of reliable connections between fattening and meat qualities, and the formation inten- sity and Tyler B indices was 75.0%, indicating their promise for use in selection and breeding work. The maximum increase in additional production was obtained from young pigs of the Mc4r AG genotype (+2.71%) and of group I, in which the formation intensity index ranged from 0.935 to 1.087 points (+2.65%).Cilj je ovog rada bio istražiti tovne i mesne kvalitete mladih svinja različitog intenziteta formiranja u ranoj ontogenezi i različitih genotipova prema genu za melanokortin receptor 4 (Mc4r); izračunati razinu korelacije između svojstava, kao i ekonomsku učinkovitost korištenja životinja pokusnih skupina u uvjetima industrijskog kompleksa. Ocjenjivanje životinja za tov i kvaliteta mesa provedeni su uzimajući u obzir sljedeće značajnosti: prosječni dnevni prirast žive vage u razdoblju kontrolnog tova, g; dob dostizanja 100 kg žive vage, broju dana, duljina ohlađenog trupa u cm; duljina polovice slanine ohlađenog trupa u cm; debljina slanine na razini 6-7 torakalnih kralježaka u mm. Biometrijska obrada rezultata istraživanja i izračun ekonomske učinkovitosti rezultata istraživanja provedeni su prema općeprihvaćenim metodama. Utvrđeno je da mlade svinje kontrolirane populacije u tovu i kvaliteti mesa zadovoljavaju uvjete I. klase i elitnog razreda. Uzimajući u obzir unutarpasminsku diferencijaciju velikih bijelih pasmina, genom za melanokortin 4 receptor (Mc4r) utvrđeno je sljedeće: mlade svinje genotipa Mc4r AG nadmašuju vršnjake genotipa Mc4r AA po prosječnom dnevnom prirastu žive vage, dobi u kojoj je živa vaga 100 kg, debljini sala na razini 6-7 torakalnih kralješaka i duljini ohlađenog trupa za prosjek od 4,50 %. Razlika između skupina prema indeksu Tylera B. iznosi 11,82 boda (td=3,70;P<0,01). Prema prosječnom dnevnom prirastu žive mase, razlika između mladih svinja različite unutarpasminske diferencijacije prema indeksu “intenzitet formiranja” je 4,69 %, dob dostizanja 100 kg žive vage je 3,10 %, a duljina ohlađenog trupa iznosi 1,23 %. Broj pouzdanih veza između tovnih i mesnih kvaliteta, kao i indeksa „intenzitet formiranja“ i Tyler B. iznosi 75,0 %, što ukazuje na njihovu primjenu u selekcijsko-oplodnom radu. Najveće povećanje dodatnog uzgoja ostvareno je kod mladih svinja genotipa Mc4r AG (+2,71 %) i životinja I. skupine, kod kojih se indeks “intenziteta formiranja” kreće od 0,935 do 1,087 bodova (+2,65 %)

    Examining the Fundamental Elements of Physical and Health-Enhancing Educational Activity of Student in Distance Learning

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    This study illustrates the notion of physical and health-enhancing educational activity in distance learning processes as a particular kind of helpful activity on understanding the physical and health-enhancing knowledge. Based on analysing the psychological and pedagogical literature, 4 structural elements of student youth's physical and health-enhancing educational activity have been designated following distance learning processes: reϔ e iveǦsubjectiveǡ target, motivational, as well as activity-creative elements. Based on the data obtained, the motivational element indicates the motives system prompting them to physical education (PE) and makes the necessary for such classes in circumstances of remote education over the course of quarantine. The target element indicates goal setting, its details, and tasks intended to master the system of physical culture and health-enhancing knowledge, abilities, and skills. The activity-creative element reveals the system of skills as a collection of techniques to carry out physical activities at home, applying digital didactic materials. Moreover, the reϔ e iveǦsubjective element demonstrates the capacity of students to handle their internal world, obey healthy lifestyle rules, especially during quarantine, develop emotional maturity, get the most out of their potential, invoke a sense of concentration, se fǦconϔidenceǡ strength, movement